
Trigonos Wales


While in Trigonos, at the Mindfulness Teacher Training Retreat organised by Bangor University, one of my fellow home group participants, Lindy, shared a wonderful poem with us, that she had written during the day of silence. As this poem really expresses what a day of stillness can be about and with her permission, I am publishing it for you below. Enjoy!



A day of silence
What a wonderful day
A present to myself
A time to take back the child that was me
Stare at the trees blowing
Listen to the distant dogs barking
Think and wonder and be
A precious day for me


Challenging Myself: A Mindfulness Retreat

Mountain viewTomorrow, I will be going on a three day silent retreat; it will be the first time that I will be staying a couple of days. So far, I have ‘only’ experienced one day at a time. The most intriguing thing for me is not the fact that there will be no speaking; nor is it the fact that I will be alone with myself, looking deeply into what lies beyond the conscious mind. No, it is that I will be sharing my room with somebody I don’t know and I won’t get to know as we don’t speak.

Usually I like company and as a student I have always enjoyed these moments of sharing a room or an apartment with people. This time though, it will be different as there will be no ‘getting to know each other’. It will simply be a matter of non-judging, and adapting an appreciative attitude towards the other person for a couple of days. Well, this might be part of the experience but it still sounds a little ‘frightening’ to me!

I am almost certain that I will encounter some reluctance to stay focused and it will be interesting to see how I will deal with these moments of ambiguity and uncertainty. I am sure though that the experience will make me grow and allow me to re-charge my batteries at the end of this year.

2013 has indeed been full of action and change. The road ahead is not yet 100% clear but the mist is starting to lift, like clouds hanging on the mountains and finally disappearing. I wonder what three days of silence will bring… definitely some rest and centeredness!

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” Thích Nhất Hạnh